Slowly (5)
Alkemist (3)
Brilliant (6)
Etna (3)
Marilyn (3)
Melody (6)
Opera (8)
Stacks (2)
Tattoos (6)
Timeless (7)
universe (1)
- Salt!DOF glassesTattoos
Set of 4 Mixology glasses – RCR
These Vintage glasses are ideal for serving your cocktails.
Produced by RCR- Cristalleria Italiana they are made of LUXION® crystal. Brilliant, transparent and safe by nature, LUXION® is a friendly glass: an ecological material that accompanies every moment of daily life, just like true friends. Safe and reliable, it allows you to appreciate all the characteristics of the content since it does not alter them in…
- Salt!Liqueur glassesJiggers
Glass/Jigger Tattoo Hourglass Rcr 3/6 cl (6 pcs.)
This glass is made by RCR Cristalleria Italiana using crystal LUXION®. Brilliant, transparent and safe by nature, LUXION® is a friendly glass: an ecological material that accompanies every moment of daily life, just like true friends. Safe and reliable, it allows you to appreciate all the characteristics of the contents as it does not alter tastes and flavors in any way.
- Salt!Rcr Italian glasswareTall tumbler
Glasses HB Set Mixology Rcr 36 cl. (4 pieces)
Set of 4 Mixology glasses by Rcr Cristalleria Italiana.
1 Melody, 1 Tattoo, 1 Oasis, 1 Timeless
Capacity: 36cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!AlkemistGoblets
Alkemist RCR glass 58 cl (6 pcs.)
Goblet from the Alkemist series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 58cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!DOF glassesMelody
RCR Melody glass 24 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Water Glass from the Melodia Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 24cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!GobletsOpera
Cup Opera RCR 24 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Champagne Cup from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 24cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!Cocktail glassesTimeless
Timeless RCR Cocktail Glass 50 cl. (4 pcs.)
Martini cup from the Timeless series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 50cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!DOF glassesMelody
DOF Melodia RCR glass 34 cl (6 pieces)
Tumblr Bass from the Melodia series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 31cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!AlkemistGlasses
Alkemist RCR glasses 38 cl (6 pieces)
Tumbler from the Alkemist series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 38cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!BrilliantGoblets
Brilliant RCR Goblet 29 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Water Goblet from the Brillante Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 29cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!SlowlyGoblets
RCR Adagio chalice 22 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Wine Goblet from the Adagio Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 22cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!GobletsEtna
Etna RCR chalice 28 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Etna Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 28cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!AlkemistGoblets
Alkemist RCR chalice 53 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Wine Goblet from the Alkemist Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 53cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!OperaTumblers
Opera glass RCR 35 cl. (6 Pcs.)
HighBall tumbler from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 35cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!DOF glassesBrilliant
DOF Brilliant RCR glass 34 cl (6 pieces)
DOF tumbler from the Brillante series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 34cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!MelodyTall tumbler
HB Melodia RCR glass 36 cl (6 pcs.)
High tumbler from the Melodia series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 36cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!DOF glassesTimeless
Timeless RCR glass 31 cl. (6 Pcs.)
OF glass from the Timeless Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 31cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!GobletsMelody
RCR Melodia chalice 21 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Wine Goblet from the Melodia Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 21cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!DOF glassesRcr Italian glassware
Glasses Any RCR 34 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass from the Any Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 34cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!Liqueur glassesOpera
RCR Opera Liquor Glass 6 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Liquor Glass from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 6cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!Rcr Italian glasswarebottles
Eco bottle RCR 1 lt. (4 Pcs.)
Bottle from the Eco Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 100cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!SlowlyFlutes
Flute Adagio RCR 18 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Flute from the Adagio Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 18cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!GobletsTimeless
RCR Timeless Goblet 30 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Timeless Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 30cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!GobletsOpera
RCR Opera Stemware 16 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Wine Goblet from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 16cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!BrilliantFlutes
Flute Brilliant RCR 19 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Flute from the Brillante Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 19cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!SlowlyDOF glasses
Adagio glass RCR 35 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass from the Adagio Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 35cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!DOF glassesMarilyn
DOF glass Marilyn RCR 34 cl (6 pieces)
DOF tumbler from the marilyn series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 34cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
- Salt!TattoosGoblets
RCR Tattoo Glasses 29 cl (6 pieces)
This glass is made by RCR Cristalleria Italiana using crystal LUXION®. Brilliant, transparent and safe by nature, LUXION® is a friendly glass: an ecological material that accompanies every moment of daily life, just like true friends. Safe and reliable, it allows you to appreciate all the characteristics of the contents as it does not alter tastes and flavors in any way.
Salt!DOF glassesOperaOpera glass RCR 21 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 21cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!DOF glassesBrilliantRCR Brilliant Glass 34 cl. (6 Pcs.) Colored
Colored Glasses from the Brillante Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 34cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!SlowlyGobletsRCR Adagio chalice 28 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Adagio Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 28cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!DOF glassesEtnaEtna RCR glass 33 cl (6 Pcs.)
DOF tumbler from the Etna series by RCR Critalleria Italiana
Capacity: 330ml.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!BrilliantTall tumblerRCR Brilliant Highball Glass 37 cl (6 pieces)
Highball glass from the Brillante series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 37cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!MelodyGobletsCalice Melodia RCR 28 cl (6 pezzi)
Goblet from the Melodia series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 27cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!Wine glassesuniverseUniversum RCR chalice 55 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Universum Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 55cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!DOF glassesTimelessTimeless RCR glass 36 cl. (6 Pcs.)
DOF tumbler from the Timeless Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 36cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!mugTattoosMug Mule Tattoo RCR 43 cl. (4 Pcs.)
Mug from the Tattoo Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 43cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!BrilliantGobletsBrilliant RCR Goblet 23 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Brillante Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 29cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!EtnaTall tumblerEtna RCR glass 34 cl (6 Pcs.)
HighBall tumbler from the Etna series by RCR Critalleria Italiana
Capacity: 340ml.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!DOF glassesTattoosDOF Tattoo Glass RCR 34 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass DOF tumbler from the Tatto series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 34cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!GobletsMarilynMarilyn RCR goblet 26 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Marilyn Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 26cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!FlutesTimelessFlûte Timeless RCR 21 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Flûte from the Timeless Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 21cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!GobletsTimelessRCR Timeless Goblet 23 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Goblet from the Timeless Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 23cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!TimelessTall tumblerTimeless RCR glass 44 cl. (6 Pcs.)
HighBall tumbler from the Timeless Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 44cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!Champagne cupTattoosRCR Tattoo Cup 27 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Champagne Cup from the Tattoo Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 27cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!StacksTall tumblerRCR Stack Tumbler 39 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass from the Stack Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 39cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!DOF glassesStacksRCR Stack Tumbler 32 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass from the Stack Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 32cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!FlutesOperaFlute Opera RCR 13 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Flute from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 13cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!GobletsOperaRCR Opera Goblets 23 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Water Glass from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 23cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!OperaTumblersOpera glass RCR 30 cl. (6 Pcs.)
DOF tumbler from the Opera Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 30cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!SlowlyTall tumblerRCR Adagio glass 40 cl. (6 Pcs.)
Glass from the Adagio Series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana
Capacity: 40cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!MarilynTall tumblerHighball glass Marilyn RCR 35 cl (6 pieces)
Highball glass from the Marilyn series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 35cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Salt!FlutesMelodyFlûte Melodia RCR 16 cl (6 pieces)
Flute from the Melodia series by RCR Cristalleria Italiana.
Capacity 16 cl.
Product dishwasher safe.
Rcr Italian glassware
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